Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Looking for something different?

The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the
same level of thinking with which we created them.
— Albert Einstein

This is a long post, but if you are looking for REAL results online, you need to read the whole thing.

When you decided to subscribe to this list you were looking for something that would improve your life, right?

Possibly, you were even seeking to become wealthy...

Well, Today you can take a GIANT step towards your goals. It was not just some “twist of fate” that landed you here, reading this email... no, it's much more. I will be taking 25 people from a life they live now, to heights you never dreamed possible.

IF you have the right answers to these 2 questions:

1. Are you happy with what your parents and school taught you about money?

2. Are you happy with your income, your financial situation and the work you do?

I know that no one who is here, READING this email could POSSIBLY say yes to both of those questions. There is nothing we can do about how you answered question 1, but with MY HELP using the LEVERAGE, and POWER of the internet we can DRASTICALLY change your answer
to question 2.


To get different financial results, you require different decisions, strategies, skills and ways of thinking about money and about yourself. If you sincerely desire a change in your life, I will help you fill the gap between what you learned in school and what it takes to make real money in the real world.

It doesn't matter if:
- you are working a full time job
- you are too busy to talk to people
- you have NO EXPERIENCE
- you don't like doing presentations
- you have FAILED 100 times before
- you hate hotel meetings
- you are sick of “lotions potions and pills”
- you don't like TALKING to PEOPLE

BUT for me (or anyone) to even consider helping you, coaching you, or mentoring you there has to be a real commitment, I have to know that if I do this you are going to listen to, learn from, and act on my advice. If you start trying to reinvent the wheel...results will vary.

I get a lot of requests for coaching, some think I will just start making deposits in their bank accounts...many more ask me to explain what to do before they even look, it's all laid out on the site.


All of the people who ask me those questions get my “canned reply”: “I don't really do general ‘what's this about’ or ‘what's the next step’ type questions, all that is covered on the site. But if you have specific questions feel free to ask, I want to help you make extra income. For now just go back to the site and follow the steps as they are laid out... when you start generating your members you will appreciate that you won't have to explain it "all" to every person who signs up.”

That's it, that's all the baby sitting it takes! It's almost too simple!

Just imagine your business running itself!
AND using this system you WILL get to:
+ Set your own hours!
+ Be there when the kids get home from school!
+ Volunteer to go on field trips!
+ Have dinner together as a family!
+ Strive to achieve goals as a family!
+ Save money on day care!
+ Save money and TIME on commuting!
+ Incorporate the children into your business!
+ Take advantage of Tax-Write-Offs (most save $5000/year)
+ Go on vacation when YOU want to!
+ Build security for your family in case something happens to you!

But HERE'S THE CATCH: In order to make this happen, I need to be sure that I choose the 25 people most driven to succeed. So if you're looking for someone to hand you vacations and cars on a silver platter, then you can stop reading right now. If you think you can do it with all these “free-businesses” out there online; this is your WAKE-UP CALL!!! Think about how much you have made in them so far, and how they have actually helped you...EXACTLY!

To be one of the 25 people chosen to participate, you don't need to know anything about online business. You don't need a technical background. You don't need "gobs" of money. You don't need to work at this full time. You don't even need to have any "big ideas" about what you'd like to sell online. (I'll work with you on ALL of these things!)

What you *do* need is a burning desire to succeed.

I want you to:
**Take your dream holidays
**Travel the world
**Send your kids to prestigious schools
**Own your dream car
**Be the ENVY of the neighborhood!
**Fire that boss!
**Retire, really, really early
**Leave an inheritance that will impact generations to come
**I want you to finally know how it feels to win.

Now that you have proven you have at least some of the desire, initiative, and stick-to-itiveness by reading through this whole post, make sure you keep that momentum and go to:

Click here for more info!


Ricardo Viesca

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